Our Team

Laura Robinson

Director & Head of Wills, Trusts & Probate

Laura is the Head of our Wills, Trusts and Probate Department and is responsible for all matters relating to this complex and ever-changing area.

Laura qualified as a Solicitor in 2012 and was rewarded with promotion to Director in May 2020. She is a proud member of the Society of Trust and Estate Practitioners (STEP), a global professional association which recognises its members as specialists in their field, and also boasts full Trust and Estate Practitioner (TEP) status. Having graduated from The University of Sunderland with an LLB (Hons) Law Degree, she went on to achieve an LLM Master’s Degree in Advanced Legal Practice from Northumbria University.

Laura is a member of the Private Client Section of The Law Society and an accredited member of The Association of Lifetime Lawyers (previously known as Solicitors for the Elderly), a national organisation of specialist Solicitors who support older and vulnerable people. A Dementia Friends Champion for the Alzheimer’s Society, Laura also acts as Professional Deputy and Professional Trustee in a number of matters.

Laura particularly enjoys the face-to-face and open interaction she has with Clients, especially as a great deal of the work in assisting them is undertaken at what is often a sensitive time. Her team always endeavours to provide the best possible legal services in a friendly and accessible fashion, adopting a compassionate and sensitive approach to each individual’s particular needs.

Specialist areas:

  • Drafting of Wills – including Statutory Wills.
  • The administration of estates – both Probates and Intestacies, including contentious matters.
  • Mental capacity issues – including Lasting Powers of Attorney, Registration of Enduring Powers of Attorney, Deputyship Applications and Professional Deputyship Applications to the Court of Protection.
  • Trust matters – including Professional Trusteeships, Charity Trusts, Personal Injury/Compensation Protection Trusts and the provision of advice to protect an individual’s wealth.
  • Conveyancing matters – associated with all of the above.

Away from work

Laura lives with her husband, David, their daughter and their much-loved Fox Red Labrador, Geoffrey. She enjoys spending time outdoors and loves taking in the Northumberland coastline for a run, walk or hike. She also cherishes visits to the Lake District with her family, friends and dog.

An avid rugby union fan and long-term South-stand supporter of the Newcastle Falcons, she is fond of going to Twickenham or Murrayfield – especially if England are playing. Laura has also participated in the Great North Run several times, in support of the Charity Tiny Lives.

What music do you like – any specific genre or artists?

Anything from Abba to ZZ Top.  I have quite an eclectic taste in music.

How would you describe yourself in 5 words?

Loyal, honest, driven, compassionate and down to earth.

What’s your favourite food?

I like trying foods from other cultures, especially if I am away in a foreign country.  I am lucky that my partner, David, is a good cook because I certainly am not.  His home-cooked Paella is definitely one of my favourites.

Do you have a favourite book and why?

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee is one of the most memorable books I read when I was at school. A compulsory part of the GCSE syllabus, it strengthened my desire to study Law at University.

Is there a smartphone App you could not live without?

As one of five children (all girls!) I could not live without WhatsApp. With all the various family groups, it is a great way of sharing pictures and videos.  There is never a dull moment with our ever-increasing family.

If you could go back in time, what advice would you give your younger self?

There is no set path.  Despite having planned goals and a path by which to achieve them, life has a habit of throwing curve balls. Remain determined and pursue your goals but make the most of the path that life takes you on as you go.

Back to Our Team

Laura Robinson

LLB (Hons), LLM, TEP

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